
Photo - Health: water-borne diseases or hydro-fecal peril diseases

Health: water-borne diseases or hydro-fecal peril diseases

Water is a very essential resource for all living things. You know it very well but did you know that, it can be a vector of diseases? What are these diseases called? How to recognize them and how to prevent them? This article provides you with answers to these questions. What are these diseases called? Many diseases are transmitted through the consumption of water contaminated with waste or fecal hazard of humans or animals that contain pathogenic microorganisms. These illnesses are called waterborne illnesses. What are these diseases? Cholera, hepatitis A and E, dysentery, polio and typhoid fever are some of the most common waterborne illnesses.             What are the causes, consequences and means of prevention?  What are the causes ? Contamination of the distribution system or the...